Residual life assessment (RLA), also known as remaining useful life (RUL) analysis, technology has evolved from simple metallurgical assessment of service exposed parts to multi-facetted computation intensive engineering assessment of turbine engines and their individual parts involving a wide range of engineering disciplines including computation fluid dynamics, structural engineering and material physics based damage modeling technologies. LPTi has been at the forefront of this technology development and implementation of quantitative RLA technology to provide customer solutions for a wide range of turbine users, Maintenance Repair Overhaul (MRO) vendors, third party parts manufacturers and OEMs. LPTi has pioneered the use of material physics based damage modeling technology where damage due to complex thermal-mechanical loading histories often lead to localized damage accumulation, crack nucleation, short crack growth and long crack growth or simply distortion prior to causing a part failure. LPTi technology precisely predicts the rates of these damage evolution processes to conduct RLA.
A whitepaper on the quantitative analysis can be accessed through this link.