LPTi will have a booth (#1208) at the Exhibition | Turbo Expo 2017, Charlotte, NC, June 27-29. During the exposition, LPTi will be demonstrating the PHM platform - XactLIFE and show how to reduce ownership cost while managing risk of using service exposed engine components. The demonstration will be targeted for users, maintenance, repair and overhaul companies, third party part manufacturers and emerging OEMs in the aerospace, aviation, power generation, oil and gas and marine sectors. The demonstrations will show how the actual usage is used for predicting crack nucleation and propagation life of failure and durability critical engine components. It will also cover predictive maintenance intervals and associate cost as well as elements of parts life tracking. The capability of analyzing uncertainties in the life prediction for up front quantification of the risk will also be demonstrated.
The visitors shall get to know the underlying PHM technologies, how to better utilize the available data for usage based life prediction and make more informed decision-making with custom-built maintenance management.
Moreover LPTi would like the opportunity to know the visitors, understand their design, operational and maintenance challenges, and offer customized solutions from a range of engineering consulting services.
Looking forward to meeting you at Turbo Expo, 2017.